Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Whats the difference between thermite and aluminum powder(flash powder)?

What differant results are there when lit? How much harder is it to start thermite then aluminum powder on fire?Whats the difference between thermite and aluminum powder(flash powder)?
Aluminum is the primary component of thermite - the ignition temperature will be roughly the same as aluminum - the difference is that instead of just a flash, there is an actual, and quite intense exothermic reaction as the aluminum is reacts with the iron oxide. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME OR WITHOUT ADULT SUPERVISION!Whats the difference between thermite and aluminum powder(flash powder)?
thermite is Alminium, mixed with Fe2O3.

It'll be easier for thermite to set on fire.

Flash powder is mixture of Al and KClO4

Thermite is the primaary ingredient in the space shuttle's solid rocket boosters, so its fairly easy to catch fire.
Thermite contains aluminum powder AND ferric/ferrous oxide. It is pretty diffictlt to get this reaction started. I usually use a sparkler and powdered Magnesium as a fuse.

Flash powder is aluminum powder. To burn flash powder an electrical circuit is usually turned on. It is relatively easy to react.

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